School Educational Programs

The “Hellenic Cosmos” welcomes the new school year with new educational programs and activities aimed at all age groups. The programs are designed and implemented by the Museum Educators Department. Children are encouraged to collaborate, observe, research, and create.


Interactive Tours

The history of Delphi is lost in prehistory and the myths of ancient Greeks. Using new technologies, viewers will have the opportunity to virtually tour the Sanctuary of Delphi, get to know and admire its most important monuments and buildings up close, such as the Sphinx of the Naxians, the dedications of the Athenians, Spartans, and Arcadians, as well as the Treasury of the Athenians and the Siphnians.


Thanks to the new technologies of the Tholos, you will have the opportunity to admire the monument of Byzantine culture of utmost religious, historical, and archaeological significance and learn about Hosios Loukas the Stiriote, the great healing Saint of the Orthodox Church and founder of the Monastery in Stiris, Boeotia. The Monastery, a reference point of world Christian art, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


A monument-symbol of world cultural heritage. An ultra-modern Virtual Reality Tholos. Thorough scientific research over the years by the staff and scientific collaborators of the Foundation of the Hellenic World. These elements compose the "scene" of the new interactive Virtual Reality production "Hagia Sophia: 1,500 Years of History," a complete digital reconstruction of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, created specifically for the Virtual Reality Theatre "Tholos" of the "Hellenic Cosmos" Cultural Center.


Enter the “Tholos” and travel to Athens in the 5th century BC, where you will see all the buildings on the "Sacred Rock" reconstructed before your eyes in full detail and real scale. Using new technologies, viewers will have the opportunity to admire the most architecturally complex buildings of the Acropolis, such as the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Propylaea, as well as the statues that decorated them in 3D and in their natural colors as they were when created.


Viewers are guided through the Ancient Agora and, with the guidance of a specialized museum educator, have the opportunity to choose their own route. The reconstruction of the Agora at three different moments in its history allows visitors to understand its evolution over time and the change of its functions from era to era, as reflected in its architectural and urban differences.


The city of Miletus on the western coast of Asia Minor, one of the most important cities of Ionia, is revived in the Virtual Reality production “Interactive Tour of Ancient Miletus.” This production, in the immersive environment of the “Tholos,” utilizes some new technical features that now allow the development of multiple directions of digital life in virtual space instead of a predetermined path.


A complete tour of the sacred site of ancient Olympia in the 2nd century BC. Monuments and sacred buildings come to life, allowing visitors to become "participants" in the games and rituals of the Olympic Games and learn about the city's history.


Priene of Ionian Asia Minor, the most extensively excavated Hellenistic city of Asia Minor and an excellent example of Hellenistic architecture, comes to life in the FHW production “Tour of Ancient Priene.” With the creation of a structured, clear, and balanced environment, the city expressed the mature philosophical and political thought of classical times. Public buildings, private residences, and temples are the stops of the tour in this city of Asia Minor.


"Tholos" Movies

In this adventure, the future meets the past when a spaceship crashes on Earth during the Stone Age. The pilot, a small alien named Alex, meets two siblings, Rea and Pyr, who ask him for a ride to see the sun in exchange for helping him repair the spaceship! Get ready for an incredible journey, with the children rescuing Alex from wild prehistoric beasts, while the little alien teaches them about the solar system, energy, and sunlight.


The story of the film follows the exciting journey of the young wizard Orion and the robot Albi, through time and space. A story that captivates the audience from the first moment, while at the same time transmitting knowledge about complex scientific topics, such as the concept of gravity and spacetime, in a charmingly narrative way. A film for the whole family, which thanks to the "Dome" technology offers an exciting experience for both young and old!


The Dome film "Titans in the Ice Age" brings to life a harsh and beautiful era, when saber-toothed cats, giant sloths, and woolly mammoths roamed the Earth, while our ancient ancestors developed art, language, and hunting skills, trying to understand and survive in the harsh world around them.


Darwin's theories on natural selection and the origin of species - including humans - are presented in the film in an impressive yet accessible way. The magnificent landscape of nature is revealed in all its glory and the pieces of this scientific puzzle are gradually put together. At the same time, new questions arise, leaving room for new interpretations.


A spectacular show about the most impressive creatures that ever inhabited the planet millions of years ago. Dinosaurs come to life again through the technology of the "Dome" and offer a unique experience for both young and old. Travel back millions of years to the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and discover the fearsome ancestors of today's birds: the feathered dinosaurs!


Educational Programs

School Educational Program on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.

100 years after the Asia Minor Catastrophe, we seek its imprint on Greek society and history. Through the activities of the educational program, students will encounter the memories of the displaced people before they are recorded in literature, poetry, song, and visual arts and discover that the tragic historical break of 1922 is a source of inspiration and creativity, not a distant historical event disconnected from our present and future.

The "voice" and "image" of the refugee at three different time points invite students to organize and classify information, understand the refugee situation and the conditions that define it, and empathize with the human dimension of historical events.

Information for the educator about the program

The program:
  • Is aimed at students from 5th Grade to 9th Grade.
  • Has a duration of 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

This is an educational experiential program aimed at cultivating respect for food and, by extension, for people. It aims to cover a series of educational goals, including understanding that the source and raw materials of food come from nature, comparing different dietary practices, evaluating the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and raising awareness about food waste today by presenting positive examples of comprehensive management from Greek tradition.

The program:

  • Is aimed at students from Kindergarten to 4th Grade.
  • Has a duration of 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

Inspired by the ancient Indian tale "The Trial of the Animals" that has been passed down through storytellers to the present day, we are transported to a distant island where there were initially no humans... through activities involving movement, sound, and rhythm, and theatrical play, the educational program aims to develop children's environmental awareness. "Animals and the Environment" is the theme of a theatrical and experiential program implemented in collaboration with the website, through which students will get to know and reflect on how they can contribute to the protection of animals and the environment.

  • Is aimed at students from Kindergarten to 4th Grade.
  • Has a duration of 60 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

Following their footsteps, we will find ourselves in a prehistoric cave and learn how prehistoric humans lived, what they ate, and how they expressed themselves. Materials such as stone and clay will help us discover their daily life and way of living.


  • Intended for students from Kindergarten to 2nd Grade.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

A journey through the sites of prehistoric Greece guided by mythology and the texts of Homer. Through readings and artistic and physical activities, children discover and illuminate aspects of our civilization hidden in myths and images.

Information for educators about the program


  • Intended for students from 3rd Grade to 7th Grade.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

Byzantium was an important communication hub. The development of its culture was based on a well-structured system of communication, exchange, and movement of people. Through various activities, students come into contact with the methods, possibilities, and limitations of communication in the multifaceted Byzantine space.

Information for educators about the program


  • Intended for students from 5th Grade to 8th Grade.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.

How is an excavation conducted to bring to light hidden treasures of the past? How are findings interpreted to compose our history and cultural heritage? Using the tools of an archaeologist, we too enjoy the thrill of discovering the past.

Information for educators about the program


  • Intended for students from 4th Grade to 9th Grade.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Can accommodate up to fifty students.
  • Conducted in specially designed areas, outdoors at Building 9. In case of inclement weather, students participate in another educational program.

Don't Miss Out!

Educational Programs

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