Hagia Sophia: 1500 Years of History

The new Virtual Reality production of the Foundation of the Hellenic World at the Tholos of the «Hellenic Cosmos»

A monument-symbol of global cultural heritage. A state-of-the-art Virtual Reality Tholos. Years of thorough scientific research by the staff and scientific collaborators of the Foundation of the Hellenic World. These elements compose the "setting" of the new interactive Virtual Reality production "Hagia Sophia: 1,500 Years of History," which is a complete digital reconstruction of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, created specifically for the Virtual Reality theater "Tholos" of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre.

Spectators are invited on a unique journey of discovery. A fascinating guided tour for young and old, in which visitors are not mere observers but participate in various scenarios and tours. The interior of the monument is recreated in full detail, along with its architectural design, sculptural and mosaic decoration, while also presenting the various phases of the monument's construction and significant historical, social, and economic aspects of Byzantine life. This new interactive production gives the audience the opportunity to visit this iconic site and observe it as it was during its prime.

The starting point of the tour has been selected to be the development of Hagia Sophia from the Justinian period (6th century). Essentially, the architectural model of the late 6th century is used. At the same time, most of the interior decoration from the Komnenian period (11th-12th centuries) has been reconstructed as it was preserved and revealed by research until the mid-20th century.

Additionally, the Middle Byzantine and Late Byzantine periods offer much information on the historical context as well as the architectural environment. Thus, "Hagia Sophia" is not a simple presentation of the building but a vivid description of the society of the period, taking the monument as a reference.

What makes the new production unique is that viewers participate by answering questions during the tour.

Tour of the Monument - Historical, architectural approach

In 532, after the destruction of the Theodosian Hagia Sophia during the Nika Riots in January, Justinian assigned the mathematicians and architects Anthemios and Isidore to construct a new Hagia Sophia. The two architects developed an original and grandiose architectural design that led to the creation of a church that would remain the greatest achievement not only of Justinian's era but of Byzantine church architecture in general. The main tour scenario gives visitors the opportunity to explore the main conventional architectural model and learn about the key features of Justinian's Hagia Sophia.

A modern researcher serves as a guide on this tour, sharing stories and traditions about the church as well as the inhabitants of Constantinople during different periods, based on Byzantine texts and sources. He also provides information on topics related to contemporary research on the church.

Ecumenical Council: The Council of 879/880 and Its Aftermath - Religious, ecclesiastical aspect

In the fall of 879, an Ecumenical Council was convened in Constantinople, which confirmed the second election of Photius to the patriarchal throne. Among other things, the Hagia Sophia is highlighted as the site where pivotal events took place. The narrator, using well-documented sources, sheds light on the political alignments and diplomatic moves regarding the spheres of influence of Rome and Constantinople. To emphasize the symbolic significance of the site, another milestone event in the relationship between the Eastern and Western Churches is briefly presented: The Schism of 1054.

The Interior Decoration - Art and artistic radiance

On this virtual journey, one can follow the development of the monument's iconographic program. Visitors have the chance to explore significant mosaics of Byzantine monumental art while also receiving information about the technical aspects of their construction.

1261: Coronation of Michael VIII Palaiologos - Political, ideological aspect

On September 15, 1261, Michael VIII Palaiologos was crowned emperor in Hagia Sophia, a month after the recapture of the Byzantine capital from the Crusaders, founding the last Byzantine dynasty of the Palaiologoi.
At this point, the event is described through sources, and the ceremony that took place during the emperor's coronation is presented.

Natural disasters and final formation during the late Byzantine period (aspect: architecture)

During the Palaiologan period (13th-14th centuries), the church of Hagia Sophia suffered significant damage once again, while the repairs and redecoration of the interior gave the monument the final form in which it has survived to this day.
Hagia Sophia, a spiritual and political symbol of the Byzantine Empire, a marvel of Byzantine architecture, has survived to our time despite adversity and stands as a monument of global cultural heritage.

Explore this remarkable architectural and artistic masterpiece through the new production of the Foundation of the Hellenic World.

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