Sponsorships - Donations

The National Organizations and the private sector, recognizing the work of FHW in documenting, preserving, and disseminating Greek historical memory through new technologies, its publishing activities, and its efforts to promote the ideals of Greek culture to children and youth, have sponsored the Foundation’s projects.

Support Us!
Do you want to support the work of the Foundation of Greek Civilization?

Do you want to contribute directly to the operation of the "Greek World"?

Become a donor or sponsor!

Small and large contributions are vital for the continuation of the Foundation’s multifaceted work, from educational programs to the creation of Virtual Reality presentations.

Your donation today is more important than ever to ensure the future of the "Greek World" for future generations.

Individuals, companies, private and public organizations can contribute to FHW in the form of a donation or sponsorship of any amount!

Become a Donor
It is touching that many friends of the Foundation, despite the difficult economic climate, support the work of the Foundation of Greek Civilization and directly contribute to the operation of the "Greek World" with small and large financial donations.

Our donors are acknowledged by having their names published in the quarterly magazine of the Friends Association "The News of the Greek World".

You can also contribute to the Foundation of Greek Civilization in the form of a donation of any amount by: Depositing into the bank account of the Foundation of Greek Civilization:

Account Number
Eurobank: 0026.0240.37.0200054382
IBAN: GR5102602400000370200054382
In the deposit description, write your full name and then inform us at donations@ime.gr or call us at 212 254 5000.

Essential details needed to send you the donation receipt include your full name, address, and a contact phone number.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Become a Sponsor
The diverse activities presented at the "Greek World" would not exist without the significant contributions from sponsors including individuals, private companies, and organizations.

Our sponsors enable us to continue implementing and advancing the projects we envision.

We collaborate with you to create flexible and attractive sponsorship packages that meet your corporate social responsibility and sponsorship policies, resulting in a range of reciprocal benefits depending on the amount offered and the project supported.

See our current and previous sponsors.

Contact us for more information on sponsorship opportunities:

Phones: 212 254 0000 (code 0410)

E-mail: sponsorship@ime.gr

Become a Member of the Friends Association
The Friends Association of FHW is you!

Become a member and actively participate in parallel activities, initiatives, and actions planned throughout the year by the members of the Association.

Enjoy a range of benefits, from invitations to FHW events to discounts at the Gift Shop, on our programs, and on trips to special destinations both within and outside the country!

Learn all about the Friends Association.

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Educational Programs


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