Friends Association of the Foundation of the Hellenic World

The Friends Association of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) is a non-profit association founded to provide moral and material support to the Foundation for the preservation and dissemination of historical memory and tradition.

The Association currently has around 445 members of all ages and aims to promote the multifaceted work of the Foundation, as expressed through exhibitions, educational programs, conferences, and seminars. The Friends, through the organization of cultural events, visits to museums, and excursions to places of particular historical value, gather resources and also financially support the Foundation. At the same time, the quarterly newsletter "News of the Hellenic Cosmos" serves as an excellent means of communication for people who share the same interests, offering a platform for dialogue on Greek culture and history.

See more on the related link.


The Friends Association of the Foundation of the Hellenic World has been supporting our work all these years with its actions. And it is a difficult and painstaking task, but with high goals: the dissemination of knowledge about Greek history and culture, with the aid of new technologies, as the rapid progress of technology characterizes our era. The "window" of our work to the public is our Cultural Centre "Hellenic Cosmos", a state-of-the-art cultural multiplex that is constantly expanding, enriching, and renewing. We aim to make it a pole of attraction for the Greek - and not only - public, a meeting point for people and ideas, in a space designed with pioneering architectural specifications. Throughout the operation of the Foundation, the Friends, with their presence and voluntary contribution, share our visions and help realize them. I wish the new website of the Association to thrive and bring more and more Friends closer to our work.

Lazaros Efremoglou (1932-2013)
President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World


Dear Friends,
Dear Members,

My election as President of the Friends Association of FHW is a significant event for me, filling me with feelings of joy and, at the same time, multiple responsibilities. My goal is, with everyone's help, to give the Friends Association of FHW an even stronger identity and to enhance its presence and dynamics through effective actions. In this direction, the planning of cultural events, visits, and trips to places of recognized historical and cultural significance worldwide will continue in the future with the same passion. Uninterrupted communication among the members of the Association is a primary goal for achieving every action. For this reason, the Association will continue and enhance the publication of the quarterly newsletter "News of the Hellenic Cosmos", as well as the regular updating of its website, to provide all Friends with a platform for submitting ideas and suggestions.

With appreciation,
Lydia Mastronikoli
President of the Friends Association of FHW

Access the archive of the newsletter "News of the Hellenic Cosmos", a publication of the Friends Association of FHW

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