Interactive Tour of the Sanctuary of Delphi

Visit the "Dome" and travel to the famous oracle of ancient Greece,
the Panhellenic sanctuary of Delphi, the navel of the Earth.

The history of Delphi is lost in prehistory and the myths of the ancient Greeks. With the use of new technologies, viewers will have the opportunity to virtually tour the Sacred area of Delphi, to learn about and admire its most important monuments and buildings, such as the Sphinx of the Naxians, the dedications of the Athenians, Spartans, and Arcadians, as well as the treasury of the Athenians and the Siphnian Treasury.

Panoramic view of the sacred area of Delphi

The temple of Apollo in the sacred area of Delphi

In parallel, temples and statues are presented, such as the temple of Apollo, the most important monument of the Sanctuary and the bronze statue of the god, the collective dedication of the Greeks from the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC.

The temple of Apollo and the offerings of the sacred area of Delphi

The reconstruction of the sanctuary, as presented in the "Dome", is based on the detailed description of Pausanias in the 2nd century AD, combined with the findings of the excavations. An exciting interactive tour, conducted "live" by the museum educators of the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center, is yet another unique experience for young and old.

Treasures of Delphi, on the right the Siphnian Treasury

The "Dome" operates with updated virtual reality systems and its productions are carried out based on an original and globally pioneering process of research, documentation, and visualization of information.

The Treasury of the Athenians at the Panhellenic sanctuary of Delphi

Delphi today

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