Conquering the heavens. A dream of humanity!

The Tholos, the virtual reality theater of the «Hellenic Cosmos», hosts the new film «Conquering the Skies. A dream of humanity».

The film that received the Best Direction Award at the FullDome Festival in June 2013, describes the mystery of humanity's conquest of the skies, through the perspective of Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright brothers, and other inventors. The audience follows the most significant attempts by humans to fly and discovers how this elusive dream of humanity became a reality!

It is a «poetic» presentation about the history and evolution of flight through the centuries. In a particularly innovative way, the film presents the milestones in humanity's journey to conquer the skies, both in terms of technological discoveries and in terms of worldviews and perceptions related to flight.

The rich 3D graphics, the unique music composed specifically for the performance, and the lyrical narration create an impressive film that leaves the audience with a message: be open to new ideas and follow your dreams!

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