The Earth is Our Home

The digital production of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) "Earth is Our Home" is being showcased at Tholos, the Virtual Reality theatre of the Hellenic Cosmos. Starring a polar bear, this production responsibly addresses the major issue of the environment and its protection.

After the screening, both young and adult viewers have the opportunity to participate in an enjoyable environmental knowledge game.

Since 2008, the FHW's 3D digital film "Earth is Our Home" has been screened at Tholos in the Hellenic Cosmos, raising awareness among young and old alike to contribute, within their means, to environmental protection.

The environmental problem faced by our planet is presented with exceptional vibrancy and impressive 3D graphics. At the same time, everyday ways to tackle it are proposed, focusing on energy conservation, such as renewable sources and recycling.

The protagonists of the film are a polar bear and a fish, who are in turn affected by our behavior towards the environment, ultimately endangering their very survival.

After the screening, both young and adult viewers have the opportunity to participate in an enjoyable environmental knowledge game.

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