Saturday Educational Programs for children aged 3-5 years

Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years, together with their parents. Experiential activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.

October 2024

Saturday, October 5, 2024 - My Bright Little Moon…

World Space Week, October 4-10

We celebrate World Space Week and transform into astronauts for a day! A magical journey to the Moon for young and old… An adventure among craters, moon dust, comets, and shooting stars. A small step for the child, a big step for childhood!

Saturday, October 12, 2024 “Around the World in 70 minutes...”

Would you like to travel around the world? To see how children live from one end of the earth to the other? Imagine what life is like in the desert, the jungle, and the ice! There are so many different places! Where would you like to live? Come and choose after discovering small secrets of each place through play!

Saturday, October 19, 2024  “With a little brush and trowel... the Excavation begins”

Family Educational Program for children aged 5-8 years with their parents
Start time: 12:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Participation cost per program: 12€ per child, 5€ per adult/companion

We celebrate World Archaeology Day and transform into archaeologists for a day! But how does an excavation take place? What objects do we find? What tools will we need to discover findings that have been hidden in the soil for centuries? Young and old will conduct our own excavation in the specially designed excavation sites of the "Hellenic Cosmos".


Part of the educational program will take place outdoors, in the specially designed excavation sites of the “Hellenic Cosmos” Cultural Centre, building 9.

Saturday, October 26, 2024Once upon a time in Mbalishigun…

…on the island where only animals lived and humans had never set foot. Until one day, people discovered it! How lucky they were! But are the animals lucky to have met the humans? How about we travel to Mbalishigun and see the world through their eyes!

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