Saturday Educational Programs for children aged 3-5 years

Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years old, together with their parents. Experiential activities inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.

March 2025

Saturday, March 1, 2025 - "Come on Charalambis… let's disguise you"

Carnival has arrived. The day for the Grand Costume Ball is approaching…! But the wolf Charalambis hasn’t found what to wear. We must definitely help him. Meet in the Magic Mirror Forest… Be there, with help from fairy tale heroes, the costume will soon be ready.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Around the World in 70 Minutes...

Would you like to travel around the world? See how children live from one end of the Earth to the other? Imagine life in the desert, the jungle, and the ice! There are so many different places! Where would you like to live? Come choose, after discovering the little secrets of each place through play!

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - My Bright Little Moon…

...I'm coming to find you now, to see you up close, to learn your secrets!" A magical journey to the Moon for young and old astronauts! An adventure among craters, moon dust, comets, and shooting stars! A small step for the child, a giant leap for childhood!

Saturday, March 22, 2025 - Traces, Stone, Clay, Fire… all inside the prehistoric cave

Two people from prehistoric times open their cave and welcome us around the fire. By following traces, we will learn some of their secrets. How did they live? What did they eat? Materials like stone and clay will help us discover their daily lives.

You can thematically combine the educational program with the film "The Alien and the Cave Children - Journey to the Light!", which will be screened on Saturday, 22/3, at 14:00 at "Tholos," the Virtual Reality Theater of the "Hellenic Cosmos" Cultural Centre.

Saturday, March 29, 2025 - Searching for the Secret of... Athanasia

Who is Athanasia Mil-aresei, and why is she inviting us into her home? What could Snow White and Newton have in common? How are Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite connected to William Tell? Famous and lesser-known stories come to light in an exciting gathering filled with revelations, surprises, and games.

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