Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years, together with their parents. Experiential activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.
The "Hellenic Cosmos" also organizes special educational programs, mainly during the holiday seasons of Christmas and Easter, national anniversaries, or other events that can arouse children's interest and encourage them to express themselves and act creatively.
These educational programs are not available.
To see the current educational programs, click here
We celebrate World Pi Day at The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre with educational activities inspired by the Mathematics exhibition, for adults and children.
Friday, March 14 - Sunday, March 16
Family educational programs for children aged 3-5, together with their parents. Interactive activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek cuisine, space, and prehistory.
The "Hellenic Cosmos" Cultural Centre offers Educational Programs for children aged 5 to 8, which are designed and implemented by the Museum Education Department and take place in all the well-equipped indoor and outdoor spaces of the "Hellenic Cosmos".
The Gods of Olympus Organize Their Own "Olympics"
The alternative summer camp of the "Hellenic Cosmos" returns for yet another summer, offering creative engagement, entertainment, and lots and lots of games! The Foundation of the Hellenic World, with over twenty years of experience in educational programs, is once again implementing the highly successful and particularly beloved summer educational program "Summer in the City", for four ten-day sessions.
Η αντίστροφη μέτρηση για τα Χριστούγεννα έχει ξεκινήσει και το Κέντρο Πολιτισμού «Ελληνικός Κόσμος» είναι έτοιμο να υποδεχτεί παιδιά ηλικίας 3-5 χρονών, μαζί με τους γονείς τους, καθώς και παιδιά ηλικίας 5-8, για να βιώσουν μαζί του τη μαγεία των γιορτών! Εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και εργαστήρια γεμάτα χριστουγεννιάτικες γεύσεις, πρωτοχρονιάτικα αρώματα, χρώματα, φαντασία και πολλές πολλές εκπλήξεις σε περιμένουν να τα ανακαλύψεις!
The alternative camp of the “Hellenic Cosmos” Cultural Center, with an Easter, playful mood, gives our little friends the opportunity to creatively fill their time for five days: Holy Monday 29/4, Holy Tuesday 30/4, Wednesday 8/5, Thursday 9/5, and Friday 10/5 of Easter, from 09:00 to 15:00.
In the emblematic TEOKAR SA factory, a mystery looms... the assembly plans (blueprints) used for car production have disappeared! What exactly has happened? Who could have taken them and what is their fate? A series of tests, riddles, and traps will lead us on an adventure where memories of the past become a source of inspiration and creation.
The countdown to Christmas has begun and The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre is ready to welcome children aged 3-5, along with their parents, as well as children aged 5-8, to experience the magic of the holidays together! Educational programs and workshops filled with Christmas flavors, New Year's aromas, colors, imagination, and many, many surprises are waiting for you to discover them!
Γιορτάζουμε την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Αρχαιολογίας και μεταμορφωνόμαστε σε αρχαιολόγους για μια μέρα! Πώς γίνεται, όμως, μία ανασκαφή; Τι αντικείμενα βρίσκουμε; Ποια εργαλεία θα χρειαστούμε για ν’ ανακαλύψουμε ευρήματα που κρύβονται, αιώνες τώρα, μέσα στο χώμα; Μικροί και μεγάλοι θα πραγματοποιήσουμε τη δική μας ανασκαφή στα ειδικά διαμορφωμένα σκάμματα του «Ελληνικού Κόσμου».
Στόχος του προγράμματος είναι να προσεγγίσουν οι μαθητές την έννοια του σύγχρονου ήρωα ολυμπιονίκη, να κατανοήσουν ότι κάθε εποχή δημιουργεί τους δικούς της ήρωες και να ανακαλύψουν τους ήρωες του παρελθόντος μέσα από τους σύγχρονους. Παράλληλα, οι μαθητές μπορούν να γνωρίσουν πραγματικά ιδεώδη και την έννοια της ευγενούς άμιλλας, αλλά και ένα πολύ σπουδαίο κομμάτι της ιστορίας και του πολιτισμού μας που λέγεται «Oλυμπισμός».
Για δέκα ολόκληρες ημέρες τα παιδιά έχουν την ευκαιρία να συμμετάσχουν σε μία «εναλλακτική κατασκήνωση», στους χώρους του «Ελληνικού Κόσμου».
Don't Miss Out!
Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years, together with their parents. Experiential activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.
The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre offers Educational Programs for children 5 to 8 years old, which are designed and implemented by the Museological-Educational Department and take place in all the fully equipped indoor and outdoor spaces of the «Hellenic Cosmos».
The “Hellenic Cosmos” welcomes the new school year with new educational programs and activities that cater to all age groups. The programs are designed and implemented by the Museum Educators Department. Children are encouraged to collaborate, observe, investigate, and create.
The countdown to Christmas has begun and The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre is ready to welcome children aged 3-5, along with their parents, as well as children aged 5-8, to experience the magic of the holidays together! Educational programs and workshops filled with Christmas flavors, New Year's aromas, colors, imagination, and many, many surprises are waiting for you to discover them!
Stay informed about all the events and news of the "Hellenic Cosmos" Cultural Center
The Foundation of the Hellenic World and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have entered into a historic collaboration, signing a memorandum of understanding that reflects their commitment to joining forces in promoting and showcasing Greek history, culture, and Orthodox Christian heritage.
With a cheerful mood, the cast and crew of the play "Les Misérables" cut the New Year's cake in the presence of the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kounenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou, at the Theatron of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The lucky winners of the coin were Eirini Angelopoulou and Elina Giannaki.
The New Year’s pies were cut by the cast and crew of the performances "Vodka Molotov" and "Grandpa Has High Blood Pressure," productions by the company Methexis and Christos Tripodis, at the "Theatron" of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre, on Saturday, January 11. The event was attended by the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kouenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou. The coin for the performance "Grandpa Has High Blood Pressure" was won by Mrs. Sofia Kouenaki Efremoglou, and for "Vodka Molotov" by Mr. Nikorestis Chaniotakis.
The cast and crew of the production «The Verdict» cut the New Year's Vasilopita, in the presence of the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kounenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou, on Saturday, January 11, at the Theatron of The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The lucky coin was won by Nikiforos Valtinos!
With festive spirit and a celebratory atmosphere, the traditional Christmas dinner of the Friends of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) took place at the Radisson Blu hotel.
With the presence of His Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Ieronymos II, the completion event of the co-financed Project "Digitization of Sacred Relics of Parish Churches" with MIS 6003375, organized by the Foundation of Pastoral Education of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, was held with great success and a large turnout of guests on Thursday, October 3, at the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The purpose of this project was the digital recording of the valuable ecclesiastical relics of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and the Holy Monastery of Hosios Loukas, which constitute an important part of our country's cultural and spiritual heritage.