
The Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) is the first organization in the world to utilize virtual reality technology for cultural heritage topics. It is also the second globally to install such pioneering systems in a museum space open to the public. The programs presented are aimed at both adults and students, demonstrating that the most modern technology can be utilized in education.

The first two virtual reality systems that operated at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center were the "Kivotos" and the "Magic Screen".

The "Kivotos" is a 3*3*3 meter room, where each wall and the floor are projection screens. Visitors, wearing special stereoscopic glasses and using a small navigation device, participate in virtual journeys where they explore, discover, and experience the space and history, visit cities that no longer exist, monuments that have been destroyed, and "immerse" themselves in magical worlds.

The experience that the visitor undergoes is created by a powerful computer. It is a complex process, which is carried out entirely at FHW. Scientific accuracy and detail in the representations are combined with the magic of Virtual Reality to expand the horizons in the field of culture.

The virtual tours of ancient cities and sites are based on historically accurate three-dimensional representations. Additionally, they give the visitor the sense that the virtual space surrounds them and offer the opportunity to actively participate in the exploration and, sometimes, even modify it.

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