Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years, together with their parents. Experiential activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.
Discover history and culture through the websites of the Foundation of the Hellenic World
H Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World (EHW) is an original electronic project focused on the collection, documentation, presentation, and promotion of historical data on the presence of Hellenic cultural elements throughout its spatial and temporal evolution. The EHW primarily includes entries from regions outside the borders of the Greek state.
The IME-WebTV and IME-FLIX showcase selected productions and activities of the Foundation of the Hellenic World. IME-WebTV offers live streaming, while IME-FLIX provides video-on-demand. Among other things, you can watch the cinematic productions of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, as well as other audiovisual material focusing on the works and actions of the Foundation. Among other content, you will find documentaries, theatrical plays, events, conferences, interviews, and presentations.
The sacred site of ancient Olympia from the 2nd century BC with its Monuments and sacred buildings comes to life in the «Virtual tour of ancient Olympia». The Temple of Zeus, a model of a Doric peripteral temple, the Heraion, the oldest monumental building of the sanctuary, the Gymnasium, the Palaestra, the Bouleuterion, the Stadium where most of the contests were held, as well as the Treasuries of various cities are the highlights of the tour in the place where the Olympic Games were born!
Priene of Ionian Asia Minor, the most extensively excavated Hellenistic city of Asia Minor and an outstanding example of Hellenistic architecture, comes to life in the "Virtual tour of ancient Priene" on your computer! With the creation of a structured environment that is clear and balanced, the city expressed the mature philosophical and political thought of the classical times. Public buildings, private residences, and temples are the stops on the tour of this Asia Minor city.
The Foundation of the Hellenic World presents the virtual tour of the exhibition featuring the outstanding works selected by the Jury Committee as part of FHW's Panhellenic Art Competition titled: "Discovering the History of the Greek Revolution that Lives Near Me!", on the occasion of the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the National Rebirth. Through a multitude of wonderful creations, the Competition's Jury Committee selected the winners, by age category, as well as the works that stood out to participate in the exhibition.
The exhibition "On the Side of the Wise and the Mad: Tribute to Theophilos Hatzimichail" with over seventy older and recent works by distinguished contemporary Greek artists, brings together significant new and important older works with the generous contribution of their collectors - including a small but precious core of original works by Theophilos.
The exhibition «DIACHRONIES», which was first presented in May 2018 at the Diachronic Museum of Larissa, is presented for the first time in Athens from February 25, 2020, at the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The exhibition constitutes an organic dialogue between the original exhibits from the collections of the Museum of Larissa and works by contemporary Greek visual artists.
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary (1929-2019) of the inauguration of the major construction works of the Marathon Dam and the artificial Lake Marathon, EYDAP is exhibiting artifacts from its Historical Archive for the first time, presenting unpublished material. The Anniversary Exhibition "The Great Challenge" on the history of the Marathon Dam is held at the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre (254 Piraeus Street, Tavros), from November 12, 2019, to March 29, 2020.
Don't Miss Out!
Family educational programs for children aged 3-5 years, together with their parents. Experiential activities with themes inspired by mythology, Greek nutrition, space, and prehistory.
The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre offers Educational Programs for children 5 to 8 years old, which are designed and implemented by the Museological-Educational Department and take place in all the fully equipped indoor and outdoor spaces of the «Hellenic Cosmos».
The “Hellenic Cosmos” welcomes the new school year with new educational programs and activities that cater to all age groups. The programs are designed and implemented by the Museum Educators Department. Children are encouraged to collaborate, observe, investigate, and create.
The countdown to Christmas has begun and The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre is ready to welcome children aged 3-5, along with their parents, as well as children aged 5-8, to experience the magic of the holidays together! Educational programs and workshops filled with Christmas flavors, New Year's aromas, colors, imagination, and many, many surprises are waiting for you to discover them!
Stay informed about all the events and news of the "Hellenic Cosmos" Cultural Center
The Foundation of the Hellenic World and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have entered into a historic collaboration, signing a memorandum of understanding that reflects their commitment to joining forces in promoting and showcasing Greek history, culture, and Orthodox Christian heritage.
With a cheerful mood, the cast and crew of the play "Les Misérables" cut the New Year's cake in the presence of the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kounenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou, at the Theatron of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The lucky winners of the coin were Eirini Angelopoulou and Elina Giannaki.
The New Year’s pies were cut by the cast and crew of the performances "Vodka Molotov" and "Grandpa Has High Blood Pressure," productions by the company Methexis and Christos Tripodis, at the "Theatron" of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre, on Saturday, January 11. The event was attended by the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kouenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou. The coin for the performance "Grandpa Has High Blood Pressure" was won by Mrs. Sofia Kouenaki Efremoglou, and for "Vodka Molotov" by Mr. Nikorestis Chaniotakis.
The cast and crew of the production «The Verdict» cut the New Year's Vasilopita, in the presence of the Vice President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Mrs. Sofia Kounenaki Efremoglou, and the CEO, Mr. Dimitris Efremoglou, on Saturday, January 11, at the Theatron of The «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The lucky coin was won by Nikiforos Valtinos!
With festive spirit and a celebratory atmosphere, the traditional Christmas dinner of the Friends of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) took place at the Radisson Blu hotel.
With the presence of His Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Ieronymos II, the completion event of the co-financed Project "Digitization of Sacred Relics of Parish Churches" with MIS 6003375, organized by the Foundation of Pastoral Education of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, was held with great success and a large turnout of guests on Thursday, October 3, at the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre. The purpose of this project was the digital recording of the valuable ecclesiastical relics of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and the Holy Monastery of Hosios Loukas, which constitute an important part of our country's cultural and spiritual heritage.