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Previous Shows

Return to the Moon... Forever!

The Tholos, the Virtual Reality Theater of the Hellenic Cosmos, was selected this year, along with 120 planetariums worldwide, to showcase the digital film “Return to the Moon... Forever!” from the Google Lunar X Prize! It is worth noting that the Tholos is the only virtual reality theater selected in the Balkans and the wider region of Southeastern Europe, while most of the other planetariums are located in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Previous Shows

The Earth is Our Home

With exceptional vibrancy and impressive 3D graphics, the environmental problem facing our planet is presented. At the same time, everyday solutions are proposed to address it, such as energy conservation, renewable resources, and recycling. The protagonists of the film are a polar bear and a fish, who in turn are affected by our behavior towards the environment, which threatens even their survival.

Previous Shows

Conquering the heavens. A dream of humanity!

The film that received the Best Direction Award at the FullDome Festival in June 2013 describes the mystery of humanity's conquest of the skies, through the perspective of Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright brothers, and other inventors. The audience follows the most significant attempts by humans to fly and discovers how this elusive dream of humanity became a reality!

Previous Shows

Frozen Worlds

The film, a production of Evans & Sutherland and the Houston Museum of Natural Science, with the scientific support of the University of New Hampshire, is an adventurous journey to the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The goal is for the viewer to discover the ecosystems that develop there and to identify how their survival is connected to ours! Ice continues to shape the landscape and natural systems on other planets in our solar system.

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