«Chasing the Dream» by Zefi Syrivli

A children's book of emotional empowerment by the

Foundation of the Hellenic World

The children's book by Zefi Syrivli, titled «Chasing the Dream», with illustrations by Marina Roussou, was recently published by the Foundation of the Hellenic World. In this book, the author explores the journey we undertake to achieve our dreams. Nothing happens unless we dream first. Our dreams give us strength and optimism. They fuel us with the necessary energy for the "difficult journey" of life and teach us to pay attention to our deepest desires.

A small fly stars in the story. A small fly, like all the flies in the world. But its dream is big. It wants to climb onto a distant, pure white cloud. It tries to achieve its goal using various methods until it realizes that it must undertake a long journey itself to make its dream come true. Along the way, a lighthouse becomes the crucial point for the small fly to better understand itself. Inside the lighthouse, it encounters new experiences, dilemmas, and difficult decisions.

The story, accompanied by beautiful images, will inspire young and old readers to follow their dreams, not to rest, and not to shy away from difficulties. A book about dreams, belief in ourselves and our goals, and the value of effort. A book that highlights the importance of the journey toward the dream, the journey itself.

The Foundation of the Hellenic World, within its goals of preserving and spreading Greek culture, is active in the field of print publications, with books of historical and archaeological content, children's publications, albums, as well as magazines, prints, and exhibition catalogs.

The book is available for purchase at the Shop of the «Hellenic Cosmos» Cultural Centre and in selected bookstores.

Short Biography of the Author

Zefi Syrivli was born in Germany. She studied Business Administration and Marketing and worked for several years in these fields. Motherhood prompted her to remember her love for children's stories. Believing in the power and magic of books, in 2013, she created a Children's Reading Club and often participates in various reading promotion programs. Besides books, she loves travel, cats, painting, the blue of the sea, but above all, people who have not stopped dreaming and smiling.

She has written the works: «The Orange Snail» (Foundation of the Hellenic World, 2012), «For Sale» (Next Station, 2015), «Bella's Disappearance» (Patakis Publications, 2020), and «A Strange Accident» (Patakis Publications, 2022)

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