Educational Programs - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to make a reservation for my child to participate in a program?
    Yes! Early telephone reservation is required as spots are limited.
    For information-reservations: tel.: 212 254 0000 & email:
  • How long does each program last?
    One and a half hours (70'-90’).
  • What time should we be at the venue?
    Twenty to thirty minutes earlier.
  • Is there an option for group bookings?
    Yes, provided that a telephone reservation has been made in advance.
  • Where are the educational programs implemented?
    In specially designed areas of the «Hellenic Cosmos» depending on the theme of each educational program.
  • How do we get to the «Hellenic Cosmos»?
    The address is 254 Piraeus Street, in the area of Tavros.
    More information can be found at the website
    • Do parents participate in the programs?
      Parents participate only in educational programs labeled as "family programs". For all other programs, they drop off their children with the responsible museopedagogue and pick them up from the same spot an hour and a half later.
    • What ages are the educational programs aimed at?
      Each educational program specifies the age range of children who can participate. Generally, educational programs are aimed at preschool children and elementary school students.
    • How important is it to adhere to the age ranges?
      Very important. The programs are designed by the Museopedagogical Department of the «Hellenic Cosmos» regarding their themes and activities, according to the skills of each age and the school curriculum. Younger or older children than the specified age do not have the complete experience of the program, which prevents them from fully developing their skills.
    • Who implements the educational programs?
      The educational programs are designed and implemented by the museopedagogues of the «Hellenic Cosmos», who are facilitators-educators with extensive experience in the field of educational programs, working permanently with the «Hellenic Cosmos».
    • Does the child need to bring anything with them?
      No, all materials are provided by the program at the «Hellenic Cosmos».
    • What could I do while my child attends the educational program?
      You could attend the performances at the Tholos, the virtual reality theater, or visit the exhibitions available at the «Hellenic Cosmos».

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      Educational Programs


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