Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World

H Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World (EHW) is an original electronic project focused on the collection, documentation, presentation, and promotion of historical data on the presence of Hellenic cultural elements throughout its spatial and temporal evolution. The EHW primarily includes entries from regions outside the borders of the Greek state.

This project aims to offer a comprehensive view of the development, spatial dispersion, and temporal evolution of the Hellenic cultural phenomenon. The topics under examination are not addressed in isolation, detached from the context in which they were formed, but in relation to the history of each geographic area and non-Hellenic cultural traditions. The ultimate goal of the EHW is to contribute to the understanding of the formation and dissemination of Hellenic culture, taking into account its interactions and osmosis with other cultural realities and traditions.

The availability of the project through the Internet with free access and its specifically designed online infrastructure make it accessible to a much broader and more numerous audience than that of a printed edition, as the global web is one of the main means of education, communication, information, and entertainment today.

Individual Electronic Volumes

Asia Minor - Volume One

Recording, documenting, presenting, and analyzing the historical data of the Hellenic cultural element of Asia Minor.

Black Sea - Volume Two

The diversity and richness of the history and culture of the Black Sea coasts with an emphasis on the Hellenic presence.

Constantinople - Volume Three

The tumultuous history of the city that started as a colony of the Megarians and evolved into the capital of an entire empire.

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