Dali Cybernetics

The Immersive Experience in Athens!


An immersive experience into the universe of Salvador Dalí!

Dali-Cybernetics poster

The marvelous world of the pioneering artist comes to life before your eyes in the most extraordinary way!

Immersive Experience 500m2 screens, Virtual Reality, Digital Art

After its presentations in London, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Berlin, Warsaw, and other cities around the world, the exhibition arrives in Athens at the “Hellenic Cosmos”, the Cultural Center of the Foundation of the Hellenic World!

Following its great success in Thessaloniki, attracting an audience of all ages, the exhibition comes redesigned from October for the Athens audience.

A unique experience that captivates all ages.

Dali-Cybernetics exhibit

Dali-Cybernetics exhibit 2

General Information about the Exhibition


"Because I sometimes become a painter, people believe I am an artist. My real interest is in Cybernetics, Quantum Physics, and Biology." - Salvador Dalí

The exhibition is a fascinating journey through Salvador Dalí’s most famous works from a completely new perspective. It traces his influences, from surrealism and Freud to science, mathematics, and computer science.

Dali-Cybernetics art

Technology meets Art: Dalí believed that for painting to survive, it must be connected with the use of computers. He foresaw a future where machines would think for themselves, even creating Art.

Art meets Science: The exhibition offers a thrilling exploration of Dalí’s most famous works, interpreted through science: quantum physics, parallel universes, the fourth dimension, sacred geometry, and DNA sequencing.

Science meets Faith: Dalí’s works reconcile belief in God with science. The golden ratio, which he applied in his art, signifies the divine perfection of the universe’s design. His fascination with DNA’s double helix reveals how God transmits immortality.

Dali-Cybernetics exhibit 3

What to Expect at the Exhibition

Immersive Experience: Explore the mind of a genius with projections (some in 3D) on 500m2 of screens, combining Art and Technology in a revolutionary display.

Virtual Reality 360: Board the ship of dreams, crossing Dalí’s artistic worlds in a unique virtual reality experience inspired by his life and work.

Interactive Gallery: Wander through Dalí’s artistic imagination, with digital projections of recurring motifs from his iconography, which shift as you approach them.

Creativity: Unleash your inner artist by spontaneously drawing on the artwork "Galatea of the Spheres," featuring the face of Dalí’s muse, Gala, and project your creations on the walls.

Documentary Screening: Watch a documentary by Jack Bond, capturing Dalí’s everyday life in 1965 New York, where he interacts with the media and those around him.

Dalí’s Library: Dalí had a passion for science, as reflected in his library’s vast collection of books on Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Biology, Optics, and Mathematics. Some of these are showcased in the exhibition.

Fantastical Dream: Dalí was a visionary who predicted the rise of digital art. Explore stereoscopic films by scientist Thomas Banchoff that bring to life four-dimensional figures, introducing Dalí to Cybernetics.

Exhibit Tour: Tour the exhibition’s corridors, viewing Dalí’s well-known works, with informative panels detailing his life’s phases alongside his masterpieces.

Photos: Take a seat on the famous original Dalilips couch by Barcelona Design and snap souvenir photos in a specially lit photo booth.

Dalilips couch

Dalilips couch 2

Dali exhibit view

Dali exhibit cinema

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