Conspiracy in ancient Aigai

Spring of 334 BC.
We are in ancient Aigai, the first urban center of Macedonia. After the seat of power moved to Pella, the palace of Aigai has been "decommissioned", yet the city continues to host the important sacred ceremonies and major festivals of the Macedonians, as well as the burials of the kings. Here, at the Theater of Aigai, King Philip II was assassinated in 336 BC. Now his son and successor, Alexander III, the one who will later be known as Alexander the Great, is preparing to embark on his legendary campaign to Asia. Shortly before his departure, he visits, for "pilgrimage", the old palace of Aigai and the tombs of his ancestors.

The virtual reality experience is based on the rich history of murders and conspiracies that have been recorded in the royal court of Pella, even before the time of Philip II and Alexander. It is said that after Philip's assassination, Alexander feared he might also fall victim to conspiracy and murder.

Philotas is accused of conspiracy during Alexander's visit to Aigai, shortly before the Macedonian army departs for Asia. You, as the protagonist of our story, are called to search through various rooms of the palace to retrieve a document proving Philotas' innocence and present it to Alexander.

Your name is Orestes, and you are the son of a Macedonian aristocrat, Polemon. You have grown up in the palace, close to Alexander, as you were one of the "royal pages". Your mother, Eurycleia, hails from the land of the Molossians, as does Olympias, Alexander's mother, with whom she is close friends. You have a younger sister, Cynisca. Today, at 23 years old, you are one of the "Youths" who follow Alexander in Macedonia.

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