Premiere of the bi-monthly film tribute "History Pages and Cinema"

The premiere of the bi-monthly film tribute "History Pages and Cinema", opened with the documentary We were children then ... Reminiscences of Asia Minor Refugees that took place on Tuesday September 14th 1999, Day of Memory of the Catastrophe in Asia Minor. The venue was organised at the Cultural Centre of the Foundation "Hellenic Cosmos". The Cultural Centre of the Foundation inaugurated these activities jointly with the Hellenic Ministry of Culture/Film Department, the Greek Film Centre, the Greek Film Archive and ERT. Its aim is to gradually include more subject areas and become a socially established institution in the athenian film world.

The President of FHW Mr Lazaros Efraimoglou expressed hiscontentment for the completion of the documentary We were children then... Reminiscences of Asia Minor refugees, the debut film of the venue. The material of the documentary was drawn from testimonies of Asia Minor refugees from several regions of Greece within a period of two years. The presence of nine people-sitting at the front seats- who had actually experienced the Catastrophe in 1922 charged the venue emotionally. All participants had the opportunity to talk with them after the end of the showing.

During the events, some of the Foundation's academic staff informed the guests about FHW's activities, giving emphasis on the Genealogy project.

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