Presentation of the CD-ROM "The Magical Walk of Curius Julius at Delphi"

On Monday, June the 29th 1998, an event took place at the Cultural Centre of the Foundation of the Hellenic World "Hellenic Cosmos" where the CD-ROM "The magical walk of Curious Julius at Delphi", a collaboration of FHW and Pliroforiki Technognosia Ltd. was presented.

The President of FHW Lazaros Efraimoglou and the General Manager of "Pliroforiki Technognosia Ltd." Konstantinos Drakas opened the event with a brief presentation of their activities and collaboration. Subsequently, Mrs Natassa Miliaraki responsible for the development of the application announced the title, and Spiros Vrettos representing "Pliroforiki Technognosia Ltd." closed the event demonstrating the CD-ROM.

The CD-ROM, addressed to children aged over 11 has both an educational and entertaining character. Educational since its purpose is to familiarize the children with archaeology and the methods applied to unreveal us the past. Julius tours Delphi in the present and in the past and learns many things about the history of the area as well as the techniques and the methods used by the archaeologists in the excavations. Entertaining because it applies an original way to approach the children. The little hero Curious Julious is a cartoon in the same age as the recipients of the CD-ROM, clever, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, who accompanies the children in their navigation in the electronic pages. His companion and guide is an archaeologist, Aristofanis Skapanis who is willing to teach him things not included in any book.

The commenting on the CD-ROM was positive and encouraging. Several magazines related to the subject welcomed the CD-ROM.

"The magical walk of Curious Julius at Delphi" is on sold at the Museum Shop of the Cultural Centre "Hellenic Cosmos" and at specialized bookshops and electronic and multimedia shops.

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