The Acting Minister of Culture Fani Palli-Petralia visited Hellenic Cosmos

On Monday 17th of May 2004 the Acting Minister of Culture Fani Palli-Petralia and the General Secretary of Olympic Games Spiros Kapralos visited Hellenic Cosmos, the cultural centre of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, were they were welcomed by Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, President of the Foundation, and Mr. Dimitris Efraimoglou, Managing Director of the Foundation.

The Minister and Mr. Kapralos visited the exhibition "Tales of the Olympic Games. A unique exhibition", which brings to light unknown aspects of the history of the Games, and "traveled" to Olympia through the Virtual Reality programmes "The Workshop of Phidias in Olympia" and "A Walk in Ancient Olympia" as the "Kivotos" system. It is a significant technological and innovative achievement that has been elaborated and created exclusively by Greeks.

The Minister and the General Secretary of the Olympic Games also visited the Foundation's other important exhibition "Is There An Answer To Everything? A journey to the world of Greek mathematics", which records the long history of the science of mathematics. Then, they were informed about the Foundation's printed and electronic publications and about its work as a whole.

Ms. Fani Palli-Petralia and Mr. Spiros Kapralos visited Building 7 and the area that will host the "Olympic Square" during the Olympic Games and were informed about the works in the buildings "Tholos" and "Theatron" which will be ready by 2006. The Minister's comment at the visitors' book: "A unique experience, which springs from the passion and quality of unique people", summarizes her positive impression from her visit to the Foundation.

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