The Vice Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs Mr George Kalos visited Hellenic Cosmos

On Friday May 7th 2004 the Vice Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs Mr George Kalos visited the Foundation's cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos. Mr Lazaros Efraimoglou, the President of the Foundation, and Mr Dimitris Efraimoglou, the Managing Director of the Foundation, toured the Vice Minister to all the activities of Hellenic Cosmos and informed him about the Foundation's current and future projects.

The Vice Minister visited the exhibition "Tales of the Olympic Games. A unique exhibition", which brings to light unknown aspects of the history of the Games. He "visited" ancient Olympia and saw the temple of Zeus, he walked at the Stadium, where the Games took place, but also the Gymnasium and the Palaestra, where the athletes prepared, experiencing both the ritualistic and the competitive part of an Olympiad. All these through the unique experience of Virtual Reality and FHW's new programme "A Walk Through Ancient Olympia", which depicts with scientific and technological accuracy the thirty three buildings of the Hellenistic Period, reviving the history of the site and the Olympic Games in Antiquity.

The next stop of the visit was the exhibition "Is There An Answer To Everything? A journey to the world of Greek mathematics", a tour of Greek mathematics, which constitutes an essential stage in the development of the science of mathematics. Finally, Mr Kalos learned about the Foundation's printed and electronic publications and came into contact with many students that visit every day Hellenic Cosmos and participate in the educational programmes.

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