Presentation of FHW's publication "Pontos. On the edge of the horizon"

The Foundation of the Hellenic World presented on Wednesday the 2nd of November 2005, at 19.00, the publication "Pontos. On the edge of the horizon" at Building 7 of the cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos (254 Pireos street, Tavros).

Mr Evripidis Stilianidis, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs attended the event. The publication was presented by:

  • Mr Vlasis Agtzidis, Historian, Advisor of the Σύμβουλος Ελληνικού Ιδρύματος Πολιτισμού
  • Mr Grigoris Vlassas, Professor of Photography at the Technical Educational Institute of Athens
  • Mr Theofilos Kastanidis, Economist, member of the Board of Directors of the Pontos Association "Argonaftes Komnenoi"
  • Mr Cyrus Kokkas, Optometrist, Author

In the publication Cyrus Kokkas records the unknown Pontos, for Greeks that is, and records with sensitivity, enthusiasm, and perceptiveness the surprises presented both by Pontus nature and its people, in their everyday life and activities. The area's Greek past is continuously present in the pages of the book Το ελληνικό παρελθόν της περιοχής είναι συνεχώς εμφανές μέσα από τα αρχιτεκτονικά κατάλοιπα και τις διηγήσεις. The album's pictures become even more Οι εικόνες του λευκώματος γίνονται ακόμη πιο ζωντανές through the introductory texts of the acclaimed scientist and researcher of Pontic Hellenism Mr Vlasis Agtzidis, όπου παρουσιάζεται η διαχρονική ιστορία του Πόντου.

Through colors, representations, shapes, shadows and light a bridge is constructed between the extremely painful past, vague memories and the narrations of first generation refugees and the living everyday reality of Pontos. The present day land of Pontos is presented extremely beautiful, very old and inextricably related to Hellenism. This relation remains alive, both through the numerous Associations of Pontos, in Greece and abroad, and through the living memories left by Greek residents of Pontos in their homeland. This album invites readers to experience the magic of the land and to "travel" mentally through time and space.

FHW's publication "Pontos. On the edge of the horizon" will be available both at central bookstores and at the Museum Shop of Hellenic Cosmos, the cultural centre of the Foundation of the Hellenic World.

The printing of this publication took place with the kind sponsorship of ELLINIKA PETRELAIA AE

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