Inauguration of the exhibition "Theatre, the art of arts"

Based on the exhibits of "play writing" and the "performance" the Foundation of the Hellenic World on Monday 23rd of January 2006, at 19:30, at the cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos, 254 Pireos street, presented its latest exhibition entitled "Theatre, the art of arts", which will be inaugurated by Mr. Nikos Kourkoulos, Art Director of the Greek National Theatre.

The exhibition reveals the magical moment of the meeting between play writer, actor and audience during a performance, through the examination of theatre as the coexistence of many artists on the stage, in order to create the visual and auditory environment for this magical moment. Thus, we start our journey to the world of theatre, through references to play writers and trends in theatre, from ancient Greek drama to the present day. Important "schools" of theatre, significant play writers, remarkable plays and roles are presented through texts, photographs from -mostly Greek- performances, costumes and extracts from plays.

The exhibition consists of several units, the first being the one on architecture, presenting the changes and development of theatrical area through five models. Then follows the unit about the sets, where through texts and models of well known Greek artists we examine the important work of stage-designers. Light and music, real theatre costumes and masks follow and they help to create a "live" performance.

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