International conference entitled "Athletics, Society, Identity"

From the 26th to the 29th of May the Foundation organized an international conference entitled "Athletics, Society, Identity" at Building 7 of Hellenic Cosmos. The reason for this organization was the Olympic Games in Athens. Ms. Dora Bakoyianni addressed the conference, while Ms. Fani Palli-Petralia, Acting Minister of Education, send her address. Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, the President of the Foundation, opened the conference. The opening speech was made by the internationally acclaimed Hellenist Mr. Jean-Pierre Vernant. The conference examined the function of athletics as a social phenomenon during Antiquity and Modern Times. Its aim was to enlighten the ways through which athletics reflect and influence social, political, economic, cultural and ideological realities of its era. The conference came to an end with the Academic Mr. Konstantinos Despotopoulos with his speech at the Academy of Athens.

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