International Conference entitled "Cultural Convergence & Digital Technology"

On May 15th 2003 the opening ceremony of the Conference "Cultural Convergence and Digital Technology" took place at the Academy of Athens. The conference was under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and was part of FHW's activities for the promotion of Hellenic culture through new technologies. During the opening ceremony addresses were made by the President of the Conference Mr George Metakides, former Director of the Research Programme of the European Union "Information Society Technologies", FHW's President Mr Lazaros Efraimoglou, the President the Academy of Athens Mr Grigorios Skalkeas and Ms Nikoleta Valakou, representative of the Ministry of Culture. Ms Ourania Efraimoglou, the Foundation's General Secretary, read an address by Eleni Glikatzi-Arveler. Then, Mr Dimitris Efraimoglou, the Foundation's Managing Director, presented the short film "The House of Hermogenes", a production of the Foundation exclusively in digital format. After the film followed the lecture of Professor Jose Encarnacao, Director of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft for Computer Graphics, and the event came to an end with a reception at the Academy.

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