Presentation of the documentary "Royal Purple Harbors"

On Wednesday March 12th 2003 the Foundation of the Hellenic World presented at the Multifunction Theatre of the cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos its new film production entitled "Royal Purple Harbors". The documentary produced by the Foundation and directed by Vicky Peziri, is 54 minutes long and was created with the kind sponsorship of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, deals with the presence of Hellenism at the coasts of present day Lebanon. The President of FHW Mr Lazaros Efraimoglou and the Ambassador of Lebanon in Greece Mr Habib William addressed the event.

The documentary brings to life the travels of the Greeks, already from the Minoan era, to Lebanon, the Phoenician country, one of the most important commercial centres of the Mediterranean, and traces the surviving elements of the Greek presence there.

During their frequent travels from Sidon to Minoan Crete, the Phoenicians met the Greeks and taught them the art of navigation. Through their contacts the two people discovered their common elements: hospitality, commercial astuteness, their skill in sailing and of course the ache of being away from your country.

The Phoenicians and Minoans, capable people, expert sailors and adept merchants, traded in royal purple harbors spices, silk and perfumes with expertise, arts and history, which remains alive for five thousand years.

    It is worth mentioning that:
  • The production covers all historical periods: Antiquity (from the 16th century BC), Byzantium, the Crusades and Modern Times.
  • In a country dominated by Oriental mysticism and perfumes, Greek traces reveal even today the grandeur of their seafaring abilities, since their ships sailed across the seas and they became citizens of the world.
  • A special dimension to the documentary is provided by the 3D representations, which were produced by the Foundation. As an example we could mention the scenes of mooring to the ancient Phoenician harbor, the loading and unloading of an ancient ship, as well as the rape of Europe by the bull-Zeus.

The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry with its sponsorship supports a rather remarkable effort and contributes to the promotion of historical data of great importance for Hellenism and Hellenic culture.

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